Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World AIDS Day

December 1st is World AIDS Day.
It's easy to forget the devastation AIDS has inflicted upon the global community. Here are some facts according to UNAIDS, the joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS.

Young people account for around 40% of all new adult (15+) HIV infections worldwide.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, almost 60 million people have been infected with

HIV and 25 million people have died of HIV-related causes.

In 2008, $15.6 billion was estimated to be available from all sources for HIV treatment.

UNAIDS estimates that $25 billion will be needed for HIV services in 2010.

According to USAID almost 5,500 people die every day due to AIDS.

Things you can do..

Shop (Product) RED - A portion of profits from each (PRODUCT) RED product sold goes directly to the Global Fund to invest in African AIDS programs, with a focus on women and children.

There will be an event on campus where a controversial film, House of Numbers will be shown. 7pm Smith 120.

Learn. Here is a Google list of a bunch of options you can take to further the cause of ending the spread of AIDS.

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